Curriculum Design Policy
The Degree Program shall design a curriculum where students will acquire comprehensive knowledge with the clear objective of investigating global issues, adopt an active stance in autonomously gathering and analyzing information necessary for solving problems, and develop global negotiating skills and management expertise.

General Foundation Subjects(28 credits)
Invitation to Arts and Science, First Year Seminar, Physical Education, Information Literacy, Foreign Languages, ICU Liberal Arts Courses etc. *
Through the subjects offered in BPGI, the students cultivate the following skills, attitude, and knowledge:
- Knowledge and communication skills that contribute to an international success.
- Skills to develop familiarity with sports, arts, and cultural activities.
- Attitude to cherish relationship between nature and humans and skills necessary to contribute to the society.
- General knowledge to address global issues related to earth environment and human society.
* In the first year, students stay and take the courses at International Christian University (ICU) which is located in the western part of Tokyo during the Spring Semester.
Foundation Subjects for Major (12 credits)
General Introduction to Global Issues
Learn about the complexity, dimensions, and depth of global issues that cannot be solved from the perspective of only a single discipline.
Learn about the efforts of each country in the international community, in corporate strategies, in the United Nations system, etc. by developing a global perspective.
Methodology for Global Issues
Learn about methods and gain transferable skills necessary to tackle global issues. Learn about career development and design a unique career plan by having an understanding of different global activities and jobs.
Literacy in Global Issues (Environment)
Learn the fundamentals of natural science necessary to tackle global issues and cultivate science, technology, and global environmental literacy.
Literacy in Global Issues (Human)
Learn the fundamentals of human science necessary to tackle global issues and cultivate literacy in social inclusiveness and information.
Major Subjects(Lectures)(33 credits)
You acquire a specialized knowledge necessary to address global issues. Guidance in selection of courses is provided so that you can acquire not only a general knowledge that everyone should acquire, but also acquire a specialized knowledge based on their interest, which can be central to their career selection in future.
Major Subjects(Practical Training/Seminars)(48 credits)
To ensure that you acquire the above skills and demonstrate leadership in addressing the global issues in the society after graduation, we provide practical training in the PBL approach. To be more specific, you conduct surveys on the environments and stakeholders in the fields facing global issues and participate in the discussions on the global issues, imitating a UN conference.
- Fundamental study of various issues of earth environment and human society
- Specific and methodological knowledge to tackle various issues related to earth environment and human society
- Ability to apply creativity and imagination to create a new future
- Communication and presentation skills in multiple fields
- Analytical and management skills for solving problems
- Development of creativity to solve problems and the ability to conduct surveys
Graduation Research or Internship(6 credits)
As a compilation of what you have learned in the four years, you engage in a graduation research or internships (long-term practical training) in order to prove that you have acquired the ability to identify an issue and find a solution to it on your own. In consultation with BPGI faculty members, you can choose topics freely, considering how you want to address the global issues in the future.