Bachelor’s Program in Global Issues
Student Application Information AY2017
(Special entrance examination for privately funded international students)

10. Enrollment procedures

  1. (1) Enrollment period: Must arrive by July 7 (Fri.), 2017 (only by mail)
  2. (2) Items required for enrollment:
    1. a) Copy of notice to successful applicants
    2. b) ¥282,000 enrollment fee (Please remit payment at a financial institution or by overseas remittance in time for the enrollment period deadline. Details are shown in the enrollment procedures documents.)
    3. c) The enrollment procedures documents contain instructions regarding other required documents.
  3. (3) Student payments required after admission:
    1. a) Tuition: ¥267,900 (2nd six-month period for October to March)
      Note: 1st six-month period for April to September: ¥267,900
    2. b) If fees paid by students are revised at the time of admission or during enrollment, new fees apply from the time of revision.
    3. c) You will be asked to pay the tuition by bank transfer from a Japanese financial institution after enrollment.
    4. d) Please contact the BPGI Office (see 12. Inquiries) for more information about tuition and scholarships.

11. Disclosure of information about entrance examinations

The University of Tsukuba will disclose information about the 2017 Bachelor’s Program in Global Issues entrance examinations upon request from test-takers themselves from October 1 to November 30, 2017. Please contact the BPGI Office (see 12. Inquiries) for details.

12. Inquiries

Bachelor’s Program in Global Issues Office
Top Global University Project Office
University of Tsukuba
E-mail address: